Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This is an article from my friend Peter Riva: I think it's important that we all know this!

[ And I am SURE that Ms. Schmidt was indeed coached and "bribed" by the airline industry lobbyists.]


Date: Apr. 28, 2011

Labor Unions & Trojan Horses

Several states are trying to bust unions out in the open under the full scrutiny of the media. And in several of those states the people have risen up, demanded recalls of elected officials who have somewhat naively committed political hara-kiri while publically carrying the banner of the way-far-right. How at risk are these governors, state senators and state legislators? In Wisconsin, for example, the degree of separation between every public service worker (firemen, police, educators, sewage workers, etc.) and every voter in that state is nil, zip, nada. With about 1/4 of a million public workers in a working population of 2+ million, it is easy to see how a ratio of 1 in 8 means everybody knows somebody affected by the union and civil servants pay busting. At voting time those anti-votes will count.

So, are you all watching? Is the media focused? While you do that, you’ll miss some other really nasty goodies Congress has been sneaking by. Let’s look at just one, for example, just this little one:

The (new) House passed a bill called H. R. 658. That’s the FAA reauthorization bill. These sorts of bills are automatic and hardly anybody ever reads them or has time to read them. In a gentlemanly and lady-like world of Congress of old (not this new vicious one) such reauthorization bills are automatic unless someone really wants to close down a branch of government. So far, not one politician has suggested shutting down the FAA. That would shutdown all air travel more effectively than the 9/11 bombers.

Ah, but this time there is Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) to the rescue, you know the one, she’s the bright spark who said, “For every 33 pregnant women that walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic, 32 receive an abortion." Oh, and she also whispered to a birther “I agree with you…” in 2009. Well, Ms. Schmidt slipped in a little earmark, a little addition to H. R. 658 which changes all the airlines’ unions’ voting systems (yes, big government tells unions how they may hold elections).

The union voting system – both to form a union and to govern one - has gone through many changes. In the old days there was a show of hands, but this was felt to exert pressure peer-to-peer. Then 75 years ago the airline and railway unions went to secret ballot as long as every vote not cast would count as a “no” vote. This worked okay except that employees spread across the country and sometimes the world could not cast votes in time or perhaps at all. So the unions asked, 24,962 employees wrote overwhelmingly in support of, and Bush’s Administration reluctantly agreed with the National Mediation Board (NMB), that airline and railway unions could cast votes as we all do for general elections: one man, one vote. If you do not vote, your vote is not counted (as a “no” or a “yes”). Finally, last summer the NMB adopted the ruling with the approval of Congress and the new Administration. The airlines immediately sought to overturn that ruling in long and costly lawsuits - which they lost, big time. This is a democracy, was the verdict.

Ms. Schmidt sprang into action. With campaign funds from, you guessed it, the airlines, she decided (or was coached) to change the voting law. She wants the old voting system back. If you do not vote, your vote is a “no.” Why? Because if every employee at, say, Southwest, is asked to vote on joining a union… you guessed it, many of them would not or could not vote, thereby assuring no union at Southwest.

Now, I’m not surprised that politicians are partisan and load the dice for their own party. All sides do this. What I am saying is that there is a very clever, carefully orchestrated, secret war strategy going on. While the media – and the public – are focused on the Trojan Horse anti-union spectacles in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Idaho, the members of a Republican House are sneaking out of the belly and doing what some Congress men and women do best –doing the bidding of big donors and slipping in one-line deadly additions to otherwise benign bills. Union busting is good for Wall Street, big donors, big business, short term.

Business is definitely not “as usual” in Washington. There is a very real war going on there. You just don’t get to hear about it unless someone stumbles on a three-sentence addition to a 65-page otherwise boring, routine, standard reauthorization document. Where is the writer Homer when we need him? This is developing into a Greek tragedy of American proportions. Someone had better write it all down.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This will be a very short post.

I have had it with the utter hypocrisy of the Republicans. And in particular with Sen. Bunning. Asked why he was blocking a vote, he said, basically, "deficit".

Bullshit. The deficit we now have is because of Reagan and Bush II - period. We have a disastrous deficit BECAUSE the Republicans wanted to be warmongers.

I give no credence to ANYTHING that Republicans say. Nothing. They are Liars, and they are stupid. And they are anti-American. A modern Fifth Column.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well. What idiocy! I just finished watching Gwen Ifil of NPR in St. Louis. Taking to leaders there. I cannot begin to tell you how disgusted I am with the Republicans, especially their debased and utter hypocrisy! And especially their hoity-toity stance against the budget deficit. THEY are the ones who created this deficit!!! And now they have the utter gall to criticize Obama and his incoming dealing with reality about what the Republicans did in the last 8 years! 

Their stance has pushed me to understand that they have no integrity whatsoever. And that they have no integrity to accept what they have done to America in the last 8 years. At one time, I was willing to think that the Republicans had some integrity and desire to deal with the problems that THEY created for America. Now I see that they have completely fallen into a pit of illusion and of complete deception against the American people.


Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have just watched pictures of Zimbabwe. Of Mugabe saying that cholera is "no more". People are dying of starvation and cholera. This man is CRAZY! I don't understand:  why are African nations doing nothing to help these people? Have they completely lost any sense of humanity? Have they become inhuman? Looks like it.

I am totally amazed at how disgusting human beings can be.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Bill O'Reilly

Nov 14, 2008

I was just listening to a replay of O'Reilly, calling upon Bill Ayers to apolgize for having "hurt Americans".

I call upon Bill O'Reilly, and all like him, to apologize to all of us American people for having deeply hurt America and Americans for all the hate, class warfare, and religious extremism they have and continue to perpetrate upon us.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott McClelland and his book

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well, I've just listened to Scott McClelland being interviewed this morning on NPR. If I needed anything to increase my cynicism about this Bush administration, that interview certainly worked. What utter, bald-faced opportunism! He sounded unquestionningly like a man wanting to sell a book, with nothing to contribute towards truth. What really shocked me was his comment that what Bush did and said was "unintentional", and that Bush was a "good man". This is either idiotic naivete or outright lies, neither of which is acceptable in a man of this stature. There is no way that, given what we have seen of this administration, I could believe anything but that Bush is clearly not a "good man", and that he is a deliberate liar in advancing his agenda. Given what I have seen from Bush and those around him, especially his/their appalling claim to be "Christian", nothing would convince me that they could ever be accurately described as "good" or truthful.

I hope that the 27% "approval" rate given these days by the American people to George Bush indicates that they too recognize the utter immorality of this man and his cronies. What a blow they have struck to America and its ideals.
