Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott McClelland and his book

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well, I've just listened to Scott McClelland being interviewed this morning on NPR. If I needed anything to increase my cynicism about this Bush administration, that interview certainly worked. What utter, bald-faced opportunism! He sounded unquestionningly like a man wanting to sell a book, with nothing to contribute towards truth. What really shocked me was his comment that what Bush did and said was "unintentional", and that Bush was a "good man". This is either idiotic naivete or outright lies, neither of which is acceptable in a man of this stature. There is no way that, given what we have seen of this administration, I could believe anything but that Bush is clearly not a "good man", and that he is a deliberate liar in advancing his agenda. Given what I have seen from Bush and those around him, especially his/their appalling claim to be "Christian", nothing would convince me that they could ever be accurately described as "good" or truthful.

I hope that the 27% "approval" rate given these days by the American people to George Bush indicates that they too recognize the utter immorality of this man and his cronies. What a blow they have struck to America and its ideals.


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