Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well. What idiocy! I just finished watching Gwen Ifil of NPR in St. Louis. Taking to leaders there. I cannot begin to tell you how disgusted I am with the Republicans, especially their debased and utter hypocrisy! And especially their hoity-toity stance against the budget deficit. THEY are the ones who created this deficit!!! And now they have the utter gall to criticize Obama and his incoming dealing with reality about what the Republicans did in the last 8 years! 

Their stance has pushed me to understand that they have no integrity whatsoever. And that they have no integrity to accept what they have done to America in the last 8 years. At one time, I was willing to think that the Republicans had some integrity and desire to deal with the problems that THEY created for America. Now I see that they have completely fallen into a pit of illusion and of complete deception against the American people.


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