Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have just watched pictures of Zimbabwe. Of Mugabe saying that cholera is "no more". People are dying of starvation and cholera. This man is CRAZY! I don't understand:  why are African nations doing nothing to help these people? Have they completely lost any sense of humanity? Have they become inhuman? Looks like it.

I am totally amazed at how disgusting human beings can be.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Bill O'Reilly

Nov 14, 2008

I was just listening to a replay of O'Reilly, calling upon Bill Ayers to apolgize for having "hurt Americans".

I call upon Bill O'Reilly, and all like him, to apologize to all of us American people for having deeply hurt America and Americans for all the hate, class warfare, and religious extremism they have and continue to perpetrate upon us.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott McClelland and his book

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well, I've just listened to Scott McClelland being interviewed this morning on NPR. If I needed anything to increase my cynicism about this Bush administration, that interview certainly worked. What utter, bald-faced opportunism! He sounded unquestionningly like a man wanting to sell a book, with nothing to contribute towards truth. What really shocked me was his comment that what Bush did and said was "unintentional", and that Bush was a "good man". This is either idiotic naivete or outright lies, neither of which is acceptable in a man of this stature. There is no way that, given what we have seen of this administration, I could believe anything but that Bush is clearly not a "good man", and that he is a deliberate liar in advancing his agenda. Given what I have seen from Bush and those around him, especially his/their appalling claim to be "Christian", nothing would convince me that they could ever be accurately described as "good" or truthful.

I hope that the 27% "approval" rate given these days by the American people to George Bush indicates that they too recognize the utter immorality of this man and his cronies. What a blow they have struck to America and its ideals.
